作者: 时间:2018-04-21 12:47 人气: ℃
Evolution® X5 Satellite Router
Fast performance and high-efficiency IP broadband connectivity for enterprise and mobility networks
The Evolution® X5 features dual-mode operation of DVB-S2/ACM or iNFINITI® TDM on the outbound and deterministic TDMA on the inbound. With fast processing capabilities, the X5 supports high-speed, high-efficiency applications such as enterprise connectivity, mobile cellular, maritime and other mobile applications.
The Evolution® X5 Satellite Router enables service providers to support higher data rates and greater traffic volumes to meet increased customer demand across a wide range of growing vertical markets. The Evolution® X5 Satellite Router offers dual-mode operation between iNFINITI® TDM or DVB-S2/ACM on the outbound, providing more flexibility for network design and bandwidth optimization as the network grows. With over-the-air software licensing features service providers can easily add data encryption and spread spectrum capabilities to customize the Evolution® X5 Satellite Router to meet their customer’s growing requirements.
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