作者: 时间:2018-04-21 12:47 人气: ℃
X7-EC Satellite Router
Embedded Computing Remote
The X7-EC is a new variant of iDirect’s popular X7 satellite remote enhanced with embedded computing technology to run value-added software.
The X7-EC combines standard iDirect X7 features with extra processing power and memory to run value-added software without impacting satellite communication performance. As a result, customers are able to tailor remote capabilities to better meet specific market requirements and create an ideal enterprise class solution.
The X7-EC remote must be paired with one of four licensable applications to provide seamless delivery of services to the network edge. The first four supported applications are iDirect SatHaul™ Optimization, Cisco® 5921 Embedded Services Router, Sevis® 2G/3G Optimization, and Xiplink™ Virtual (XV) Optimization.
The X7-EC remote increases value by consolidating solutions that typically require use of a multi-box configuration into a 1U rack-mounted form factor. This cost-effective single box solution reduces the hardware footprint, simplifies installation, decreases points of failure, and lowers power consumption.
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